Monday 8 July 2019

Is X-ray Harmful to the Body

X-ray is a very common name. Almost 80% of us have had undergone X-ray exams once in life. We might have seen that X-ray lead aprons are worn before undergoing the exam.

So, before we dive into the discussion if X-ray is safe or not, let us check on what X-ray is.

What is X-ray
It is a type of ray. Yes. As simple as that. Now, where do rays come from? Radiation. So, X-ray is a type of radiation which is used in medical science.

It is imaging radiation that shows the bones in white and any gas in between as black. Thus, the image shows if there is any problem with the bones.In short, X-ray is very useful radiation that has an important part in detecting disorientation in the bones.

How X-ray Saves Life

Yes. It saves a life.
  • Although we are to discuss any harmful effects of X-ray, it has to be admitted that X-ray saved many lives for the last 100 years and it will continue unless any better replacement of it is discovered.
  • It helps us to detect when you break a bone through imaging. It shows the exact position of the bone.Through CT Scan the same purpose is fulfilled.
  • If the X-ray had not been there, it could have been very difficult to detect any fracture in bones. Thus, it continues to save the life for years after years.

Does It Have Any Side Effects

Every good thing has a not so good part of it. How come X-rays be different?

X-rays come with some short-term side effects that are not often visible. After undergoing X-ray exams, you might feel a little nauseous and dizzy.You might face the problem of constipation or diarrhea. Otherwise allergic reactions may occur.But once more, these effects are short time is not often visible in general. The problem occurs when you are under its exposure for a long time without wearing lead apron.

These rays have been classified as carcinogenic. So long exposure can create fatal diseases.

Can We Call It Harmful?

X-rays cannot be termed harmful because it is of immense help to human beings.

  • It has no alternative in general.
  • There are no harmful effects of X-rays if you are not a regular visitor.
  • It becomes a risk factor for those surgeons operating on the X-ray machine wearing those lead-free aprons.
  • Lead is an element that reflects the rays to a great extent and thereby minimizes the risk.
  • So, it cannot be generalized that X-rays are harmful but remember to wear lead aprons.

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